A thousand Benefits for the health of our body Water
Although the associate, involved very closely every day, not unregister many secrets excellence water missed our old pal, it is very much pleased.
It turns out, our dependency on water is not limited to the Remover of thirst.
Bath twice a day and washing hair most late three days once highly recommended experts of health and fitness. The reason, a touch of clean water with body makes the body feels fresh and fit back. To keep the beauty, the cleanliness of the body must really be noticed; plus more drinking water white 8-10 glasses a day. Even the water too much utilized by the religions and beliefs, for example for water ablutions, Baptist, means to repel evil spirits, etc.
Since hundreds of years BCE nation Rowawi already know the benefits of bath, milk bath either in the pool or soak clean water that is equipped with a shower and fragrances. Purpose is to make the body clean, healthy, and fragrance.
Spa we know it today is not only connected with water, but also with beauty care, mental health agencies, as well as fitness, which include materials or natural way as the treatment of the face and body with aromatherapy, bath, body scrub, body wrap, setting nutrition, yoga, meditation. However, the concept of the Spa itself asal-muasalnya only deals with water. The term "spa" taken from the language of Greece sante par aqua, meaning health through water therapy.
In European culture spa has developed on the century XVII. At the time it's been a lot of people on a vacation to find sources of mineral water in order to cope with health disorders. It goes without away, in the area of Yogyakarta also still visible heritage Spa Taman Sari place the Princess Palace bath to clean yourself to look more beautiful.
Water for fertility
According to the researchers a thrombosis Research Institute in London, United Kingdom, if people always take a shower with cold water, the circulation of blood will be improved so that the body feels more fit. Added again that bath with cold water will increase the production of white blood cells in the body as well as increasing the ability of a person against virus attacks. In fact, a shower with cold water in the morning can increase the production of the hormone testosterone in men and estrogen hormone in women. Thus any fertility as well as sexual excitement will increase. In addition, it improves skin tissue, nails more healthy and strong, not easily cracked.
Water is also believed to be able to join the cure heart disease, rheumatism, skin damage, disease, intestinal tract breath, femininity, etc.
Now even the various alternative medicine offered by kungkum (soak) in water containing magnets, the high levels of salt, sulfur or other chemicals that can improve your health.
Say Ciater, about 32 km north of Bandung, have long known the community as a cool tourist area with an additional attraction, natural hot water. They believe, natural hot water there can help treat the disease. Indeed, based on research, hot water containing mineral materials aluminium Ciater quite high. According to the classification of balneologi (science that examines the efficacy of therapy bath), air heat Ciater included in the category of magnesium chloride calcium sulfate thermomineral hypertherma with high aluminium content (38.5%) as well as pH is very acidic (2.45).
In addition to the treatment of skin, effective for the treatment of water Ciater paralysis, for example due to stroke. The reason, can help strengthen the back muscles and ligaments as well as expedited the circulatory system and respiratory system. Effects of hydrostatic and help sustain hidrodinamik Ciater water weight while walking exercise. Whereas the effect of the heat causes dilation of blood vessels, promote blood circulation and oksigenisasi network, thus preventing the stiffness of the muscles, relieve pain and soothe the mind.
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