Wednesday, October 15, 2008 By: Goo:)
In a healthy body, there is a strong soul, that is the motto that is often used to measure the health of the human body. Health is the needs of every human being. The normal human Body, already have a good body durability, because the body produce immune to avoid bacteria not suited for the body. "There are three factors that affect the health of the human body hospes, i.e. the (human), agent (bacteria) and environment, (environment). The health of the human body was created, when the three factors are balanced. If one of these three factors is not complete or the one experiencing damage, the human body will experience pain, "said Dr. Inayati Habib, m. Kes, head of The Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (FK UMY), while discussions commemorating" Global Washing Day "in UMY, Wednesday (8/10).
Associated with washing day who is commemorated by the community all over the world right on this day, washing hands Inayati says that is a fraction of the hospes steps to avoid bacteria not suitable to enter the body on the inside. More important, hospes again in interacting with environment, is environment his already clean for sterile or everyday activities, said Inayati Habib. Lecturer in Medicine this also confirms the General UMY, we don't need to feel a priori or fear in bacteria that exist in the body. In the body there are three bacteria, like bad bacteria, the bacteria normally or normal flora, hygienic and bacteria. The normal Bacteria, and very good hygienic bacteria remain in the body, because the normal bacteria will balance among the bacteria is evil, and hygienic bacteria, not only bacteria higienisnya just that counts for the body, but also evil bacteria, firmly Inayati Habib.
He exemplifies the importance of normal flora for the body, while the use of SOAP to maintain cleanliness the vagina. From the side of good health is to turn off the bad bacteria that enter into internal organs, Inayati reminiscent of "thou shalt not too often clean vagina with SOAP, because it can turn off normal flora him also". Vagina need humidity also, produced by normal flora, add Inayati. Inayati confirms also, that the skin should have bacteria, but not pathogenic bacteria (bad bacteria) that will go in the body.
At the end of the discussion, at perbincangannya takes the theme "Health Body, at the Start of a hand Hygiene", he suggested on people who felt always beraktifitas, need to know about the condition of the environment every day to berakifitas, is the potential to contain germs or not; understanding media anywhere germs can be transmitted; and always keep hygiene or hygienic, don't be too excessive. If, all of it can be understood to be spared from some diseases, such as diarrhea, avian influenza, etc., he said .
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