Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

The benefits of Tea
The benefits of tea among others is as antioxidants, repair damaged cells, smoothes the skin, slimming body, prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol in the blood, waging a blood circulation. Then, no wonder when the drink is touted as a beverage rich in benefits.
Substance in a cup of tea is beneficial
Therefore in addition to soft drinks, tea can also be used as a therapy for health. If we drank a cup of tea, then we at least know what are the best there is in substance in a cup of tea that we drink. Any Substance contained in the tea so make it known as beverage rich benefits? Here are some of the main beneficial substances contained in a cup of tea.
In the form of tea Polyphenols on katekin and flavanol. These compounds serve as antioxidants to capture free radicals in the body also powerful prevents the development of cancer cells in the body. Free radicals in our body due to environmental pollution, polluted air and also from the food we eat.
Vitamin E
In one cup of tea contains vitamin E as much as around 100-200 IU is needs one day to the human body. This serves to keep the number of heart health and make the skin becomes smooth.
Vitamin C
This vitamin serves as immunity or durability for the human body. In addition to vitamin C also serves as an antioxidant which is required for the resilience of the human body against the disease.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is in the shape of a tea is a vitamin that required betakaroten body can be sure.
Types of Tea
Substances contained in very easily oxidized tea. When the tea leaves are exposed to sunlight, then any oxidation process takes place. As for the type of tea that is generally known in the community is green tea, oolong tea (e.g. Java tea Oolung/Crackerjack), black tea and white tea. Green tea has the content of the most well because in the process of making this type of tea, not drained by using sunlight but using the technique of drying in particular. While other types of tea is processed by means of fermentation.
Should be Avoided while Drinking Tea
Is there anyway that you should pay attention when you drink tea so useful substances in the body is not lost, among others:
Do not drink tea time or after eating "substances contained in food can be stolen by tea stimulant substances.
Do not drink tea when an empty stomach can cause gastric acid production increase.
Avoid drinking tea mixed with sugar because it causes the substances that they contain to be reduced.
Do not drink tea is overnight because it was a lot of substance to its oxidized and stale so that the impact is not good for the body.
Avoid drinking tea while pregnant and breastfeeding. Because caffeine is a stimulant substances and on tea can stimulate contractions of the uterus. In addition to the mother breastfeeding would disrupt the production of milk-producing glands or mother's BREAST MILK.

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