Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

Factor 2, which affect human health

Mentally healthy people affected by internal and external factors. Both the mutual influence and can cause mental illness that can lead to disorders of the soul and soul.

A. the internal factors

Internal Factor is the factor that comes from within one's self as the nature, the talent, the offspring and so on. An example of such a nature that is the nature of evil, good, Crabby, malice, envy, shy, brave, and so on. Example talent i.e. for example talent paint, play music, song, acting, and others. While aspects of the descendants of such derivative emotions, her intellect, potential, and so on.

B. external factors

External factors are the factors that are outside of a person who can affect a person's mental. External Environment that is closest to a human being is the family such as the elderly, children, wife, brother, sister, grandparent, and much more.

Other influential Factors beyond that such as legal, political, social culture, religion, Government, education, work, society, and so on. External factors that can keep a person's mental, but external factors that bad/no good can potentially cause mentally unhealthy.

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