Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

A thousand Benefits for the health of our body Water
Although the associate, involved very closely every day, not unregister many secrets excellence water missed our old pal, it is very much pleased.
It turns out, our dependency on water is not limited to the Remover of thirst.
Bath twice a day and washing hair most late three days once highly recommended experts of health and fitness. The reason, a touch of clean water with body makes the body feels fresh and fit back. To keep the beauty, the cleanliness of the body must really be noticed; plus more drinking water white 8-10 glasses a day. Even the water too much utilized by the religions and beliefs, for example for water ablutions, Baptist, means to repel evil spirits, etc.
Since hundreds of years BCE nation Rowawi already know the benefits of bath, milk bath either in the pool or soak clean water that is equipped with a shower and fragrances. Purpose is to make the body clean, healthy, and fragrance.
Spa we know it today is not only connected with water, but also with beauty care, mental health agencies, as well as fitness, which include materials or natural way as the treatment of the face and body with aromatherapy, bath, body scrub, body wrap, setting nutrition, yoga, meditation. However, the concept of the Spa itself asal-muasalnya only deals with water. The term "spa" taken from the language of Greece sante par aqua, meaning health through water therapy.
In European culture spa has developed on the century XVII. At the time it's been a lot of people on a vacation to find sources of mineral water in order to cope with health disorders. It goes without away, in the area of Yogyakarta also still visible heritage Spa Taman Sari place the Princess Palace bath to clean yourself to look more beautiful.
Water for fertility
According to the researchers a thrombosis Research Institute in London, United Kingdom, if people always take a shower with cold water, the circulation of blood will be improved so that the body feels more fit. Added again that bath with cold water will increase the production of white blood cells in the body as well as increasing the ability of a person against virus attacks. In fact, a shower with cold water in the morning can increase the production of the hormone testosterone in men and estrogen hormone in women. Thus any fertility as well as sexual excitement will increase. In addition, it improves skin tissue, nails more healthy and strong, not easily cracked.
Water is also believed to be able to join the cure heart disease, rheumatism, skin damage, disease, intestinal tract breath, femininity, etc.
Now even the various alternative medicine offered by kungkum (soak) in water containing magnets, the high levels of salt, sulfur or other chemicals that can improve your health.
Say Ciater, about 32 km north of Bandung, have long known the community as a cool tourist area with an additional attraction, natural hot water. They believe, natural hot water there can help treat the disease. Indeed, based on research, hot water containing mineral materials aluminium Ciater quite high. According to the classification of balneologi (science that examines the efficacy of therapy bath), air heat Ciater included in the category of magnesium chloride calcium sulfate thermomineral hypertherma with high aluminium content (38.5%) as well as pH is very acidic (2.45).
In addition to the treatment of skin, effective for the treatment of water Ciater paralysis, for example due to stroke. The reason, can help strengthen the back muscles and ligaments as well as expedited the circulatory system and respiratory system. Effects of hydrostatic and help sustain hidrodinamik Ciater water weight while walking exercise. Whereas the effect of the heat causes dilation of blood vessels, promote blood circulation and oksigenisasi network, thus preventing the stiffness of the muscles, relieve pain and soothe the mind.
Tips for Keeping Kidney Health
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Lifestyle of people in the days now arguably vulnerable against various diseases. Many people are ignoring little things because their preoccupation. One of the organs of the human body that is important to care is the kidney. The kidney is part of the urinary tract. The main functions of this complex organ systems is to remove excess fluid and the rest of the blood. The kidneys also serves as the endocrine glands, which produce hormones that are important for the formation of red blood cells, regulates blood pressure, as well as the formation of bone. To keep the kidney always healthy, there are some things we can do.
1. set the pattern of eating
Choose whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid processed foods, limit salt, replace meat full fat with fish or white meats without fat.
2. keep your Digestion
Add probiotics, consumption, and rich food prebiotik fiber. This is also a good Way to reduce the adverse effects of pesticides on the food.
3. quit smoking
Results of a study published by the American Physiological Society in 2007 concluded that nicotine is a major factor that causes kidney disorders.
4. Avoid Alcohol
Excessive alcohol Consumption can increase blood pressure, one of the problems which could culminate in kidney disorders. Also make people often berkemih so risky experience dehydration.
5. drinking lots of water White And Diligently Exercising
Drinking water at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. Do not be lazy to exercise. Walk 4-5 times a week is enough to help maintain the health of the heart rate, which is also good for your kidney.
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Bacteria Normal Human Body healt Peacmaker

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 By: Goo:)

In a healthy body, there is a strong soul, that is the motto that is often used to measure the health of the human body. Health is the needs of every human being. The normal human Body, already have a good body durability, because the body produce immune to avoid bacteria not suited for the body. "There are three factors that affect the health of the human body hospes, i.e. the (human), agent (bacteria) and environment, (environment). The health of the human body was created, when the three factors are balanced. If one of these three factors is not complete or the one experiencing damage, the human body will experience pain, "said Dr. Inayati Habib, m. Kes, head of The Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (FK UMY), while discussions commemorating" Global Washing Day "in UMY, Wednesday (8/10).
Associated with washing day who is commemorated by the community all over the world right on this day, washing hands Inayati says that is a fraction of the hospes steps to avoid bacteria not suitable to enter the body on the inside. More important, hospes again in interacting with environment, is environment his already clean for sterile or everyday activities, said Inayati Habib. Lecturer in Medicine this also confirms the General UMY, we don't need to feel a priori or fear in bacteria that exist in the body. In the body there are three bacteria, like bad bacteria, the bacteria normally or normal flora, hygienic and bacteria. The normal Bacteria, and very good hygienic bacteria remain in the body, because the normal bacteria will balance among the bacteria is evil, and hygienic bacteria, not only bacteria higienisnya just that counts for the body, but also evil bacteria, firmly Inayati Habib.
He exemplifies the importance of normal flora for the body, while the use of SOAP to maintain cleanliness the vagina. From the side of good health is to turn off the bad bacteria that enter into internal organs, Inayati reminiscent of "thou shalt not too often clean vagina with SOAP, because it can turn off normal flora him also". Vagina need humidity also, produced by normal flora, add Inayati. Inayati confirms also, that the skin should have bacteria, but not pathogenic bacteria (bad bacteria) that will go in the body.
At the end of the discussion, at perbincangannya takes the theme "Health Body, at the Start of a hand Hygiene", he suggested on people who felt always beraktifitas, need to know about the condition of the environment every day to berakifitas, is the potential to contain germs or not; understanding media anywhere germs can be transmitted; and always keep hygiene or hygienic, don't be too excessive. If, all of it can be understood to be spared from some diseases, such as diarrhea, avian influenza, etc., he said .

Flowers for the health benefits of human body
Open not just unsightly but also it turns out well for the health of the human body. What are the benefits of Interest for the health of the human body?
Jakarta, not only beautiful viewed, it turns out that the interest is also beneficial for the health of the body. What are the benefits of interest to health?
Modern Life with all the ease and the advancement of technology, sometimes make people very stressed that trigger a wide range of diseases. One of the weapons to overcome this problem is the flowers and plants.
Interest is part of the plant. In addition to the beautiful, flower also rich in plant hormones. Because of the existence of various compounds, flowers are used worldwide in the treatment of popular and traditional.
The power of flowers can be used as an infusion or Enhancer fluid (usually tea flowers or fruit). Flowers can also be used as a poultice for problem skin and as aroma therapy for various diseases.
Flowers also serves as a moderator of the mood of a healthy and natural in the following ways:
Flowers have a direct impact on happiness
Flowers have long-term positive effects on mood
Flowers make the intimate relationship
Reported by from LifeMojo, Thursday (8/7/2010), in addition to the benefits of emotional, flowers can also have a much more real influence on the human body, among others:
1. Roses
Rose is a Rose or flowers are very popular as a natural remedy. Roses are often used in the form of drinks to heal liver and intestines, especially in terms of defecation, gall bladder and liver. This should be very good in bile. The aroma of a bouquet of roses also can improve mood.
2. Marigold
Petal flower Marigold is used to make eyewash that very well. Marigold is also used in the treatment of homeopathy and conventional as salve for the healing of wounds. Marigold has antiseptic, stimulant and anti-fungal properties.
3. Dandelion
Liquid dandelion can help treat anemia, jaundice and nervous. This can also purifies the blood.
4. Chrysanthemums
Beverage made from Chrysanthemum flower can help treat the flu, fever, headache and hypertension. Chrysanthemum Juice that smeared onto eyelids can also treat swelling and redness of the eye that occur because of pollution.
5. sunflower
Liquid sunflowers can reduce the painful menstruation and ulcers. Gargle with liquid sunflowers also believed can reduce a sore throat and tonsilitis.
benefits of cucumbers to the health body
Who is not familiar with this one, cucumber fruit ever give trauma to me because of a sense of bitterness that turns out to have benefits for human health, a variety of nutrient content in cucumber fruit can provide benefits for the health of our body.
Fruit that often we use as a friend while we enjoyed food vegetable salad with combustion process such as roasted chicken, grilled fish and so forth that can be consumed in the form of raw, in addition to taste fresh cucumbers also tasty processed as a mixture of vegetables. Cucumbers have content of 0.69% protein, 0.1% fat and carbohydrates as 2.2%. It also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus metabolism resulting, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin c. According to research, Cucumbers also contain 35100-486700 ppm linoleic acid as the Cucurbitaceae usually contain kukurbitasin, cucumbers also containing compounds. Kukurbitasin is a compound that has activity as anti tumor and this can be a preventative efforts on tumor disease attacks against your body.
Well, here are some benefits of cucumber fruit can we get if we routinely mengkonsumsinya. Of origin do not overdo it, because everything is exaggerated it's no good: D
Cucumber Seeds contain toxins alkoloid hipoxanti type, which serves to treating children who suffer intestinal worms.
If you suffer from pain in throat causes hard talk (cough) can be treated with cucumber seeds. How: a little cucumber seeds with a little salt and dicampurkan dikumur several times a day. This treatment is believed to be lost due to the voice of restoring the pain.
Diseases of the Reel-Reel sustainable so that it can lose weight can be overcome by consuming raw cucumber or which has been cooked. In addition, cucumbers can be also used to treat disease, dysentery.
Cucumber is also often used as medicine natural beauty. Take the fruit taste washed clean and then shredded. Used to compress the fever, affixed on cuts, Burns, spots stains on the skin, acne, skin oily face cleaning and reduce skin itch.
The benefits of Tea
The benefits of tea among others is as antioxidants, repair damaged cells, smoothes the skin, slimming body, prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, reduce cholesterol in the blood, waging a blood circulation. Then, no wonder when the drink is touted as a beverage rich in benefits.
Substance in a cup of tea is beneficial
Therefore in addition to soft drinks, tea can also be used as a therapy for health. If we drank a cup of tea, then we at least know what are the best there is in substance in a cup of tea that we drink. Any Substance contained in the tea so make it known as beverage rich benefits? Here are some of the main beneficial substances contained in a cup of tea.
In the form of tea Polyphenols on katekin and flavanol. These compounds serve as antioxidants to capture free radicals in the body also powerful prevents the development of cancer cells in the body. Free radicals in our body due to environmental pollution, polluted air and also from the food we eat.
Vitamin E
In one cup of tea contains vitamin E as much as around 100-200 IU is needs one day to the human body. This serves to keep the number of heart health and make the skin becomes smooth.
Vitamin C
This vitamin serves as immunity or durability for the human body. In addition to vitamin C also serves as an antioxidant which is required for the resilience of the human body against the disease.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is in the shape of a tea is a vitamin that required betakaroten body can be sure.
Types of Tea
Substances contained in very easily oxidized tea. When the tea leaves are exposed to sunlight, then any oxidation process takes place. As for the type of tea that is generally known in the community is green tea, oolong tea (e.g. Java tea Oolung/Crackerjack), black tea and white tea. Green tea has the content of the most well because in the process of making this type of tea, not drained by using sunlight but using the technique of drying in particular. While other types of tea is processed by means of fermentation.
Should be Avoided while Drinking Tea
Is there anyway that you should pay attention when you drink tea so useful substances in the body is not lost, among others:
Do not drink tea time or after eating "substances contained in food can be stolen by tea stimulant substances.
Do not drink tea when an empty stomach can cause gastric acid production increase.
Avoid drinking tea mixed with sugar because it causes the substances that they contain to be reduced.
Do not drink tea is overnight because it was a lot of substance to its oxidized and stale so that the impact is not good for the body.
Avoid drinking tea while pregnant and breastfeeding. Because caffeine is a stimulant substances and on tea can stimulate contractions of the uterus. In addition to the mother breastfeeding would disrupt the production of milk-producing glands or mother's BREAST MILK.
The dangers of Tea for health of the human body
Tea ...have no doubt that the plant in planting in the mountains this has many benefits for content antioksidannya. But who would have thought (including me), that reversed the benefits which it contains, tea also has a negative impact for certain people.
People are:
1. patients who are not good functioning ginjalnya and can withstand pissing
or incontinence because tea serves waging a disposal of water bladder.
A lot of drinking tea interfere with kidney function, so it will be increasingly
damning disease patients.
2. pregnant women
Women who are pregnant requires sharing of nutrition to supply
the body's metabolic needs and also the fetus in the contents. If he
too much to drink tea, then substance tanin or samak in tea can
bersenyawa with iron in the food dikonsumsinya be
a kind of compound that is not absorbed by the body.
This also can result in anemia and iron deficiency in women
pregnant, can also lead to the fetus in the uterus to be a lack of
Iron default. So after birth the baby will also be suffering from anemia
and iron deficiency
3. women who are breastfeeding
Women who are breastfeeding should not drink tea. This
because one of the toxins in tea (caffeine) can affect the
spending on breast milk, so the ASI be reduced, besides caffeine
can also be entered into the body of a baby through breast milk can
lead to intestinal baby into seizures, so that baby will cry no
4. the person being fever
For people who are suffering fever, drink tea instead of can
lowering the temperature of the body but it will increase the temperature of the heat
his body. This is because theophyline contained in tea can
elevating the temperature of the body, even make a function body temperature-lowering drug
become lost or diminished.
5. a person who is weak nerves and experiencing insomnia
The sufferers of these diseases should not drink tea because it will only be
the more aggravating the problem. This is due to the caffeine content in
tea can lead to nervous system and raising bergairahnya
Basic metabolize, so it will make more difficult to sleep and feel nervous .
6. a person who is less blood
Iron in food entering the digestive tract in the form of feros
hidrosida colloids. Iron in colloidal form could not be absorbed
the body directly. He had to go through the role of SAP will be able to stomach
absorbed through the body.
Tanat Acid in tea very easy bersenyawa with iron and form
tanat acid that thwart feros soluble iron absorption. When the body
people are less blood iron deficiency, hemoglobin synthetic in
the body can be reduced, and the disease can get worse.
7. People who experience constipation
They drink tea condensed because abstinence acid tanat in tea have
the role of that undermining penggeliangan astringen, intestinal tract. When they
reckless drinking tea thick then the disease will be growing worse.
8. children
Drinking tea is not too good for childern's, this because after
drinking tea childer's will easily aroused his passion, lust food court declined,
the mucous membranes of the digestive tract is shrinking so that affect
digestion of food and its.
Tanat Acid in tea can also affect the absorption of vitamin B and substance
iron in the diet so that resulted in a decrease in hemoglobin and
menuyustnya volume erythrocytes, which would be easy stricken anemia
or less blood.
9. People who have high blood pressure and severe heart.
Tea is indeed can help protect the heart but for those who have already
suffering from heart disease they should avoid drinking tea thick,
because of the levels of caffeine in green tea can stimulate people and raise the pressure
his blood. When they keep drinking tea then his heart will beat faster,
feel very uneasy even experienced arrhythmia or absence of rhythm
the heart.
Effects of Cigarette Smoke Hazard for the health of the human body – as a result of a cigarette, Addicted, Opium, a waste of Money And Sin

Rokok adalah benda beracun yang memberi efek santai dan sugesti merasa lebih jantan. Di balik kegunaan atau manfaat rokok yang secuil itu terkandung bahaya yang sangat besar bagi orang yang merokok maupun orang di sekitar perokok yang bukan perokok.
1. Asap rokok mengandung kurang lebih 4000 bahan kimia yang 200 diantaranya beracun dan 43 jenis lainnya dapat menyebabkan kanker bagi tubuh. Beberapa zat yang sangat berbahaya yaitu tar, nikotin, karbon monoksida, dsb.
2. Asap rokok yang baru mati di asbak mengandung tiga kali lipat bahan pemicu kanker di udara dan 50 kali mengandung bahan pengeiritasi mata dan pernapasan. Semakin pendek rokok semakin tinggi kadar racun yang siap melayang ke udara. Suatu tempat yang dipenuhi polusi asap rokok adalah tempat yang lebih berbahaya daripada polusi di jalanan raya yang macet.
3. Seseorang yang mencoba merokok biasanya akan ketagihan karena rokok bersifat candu yang sulit dilepaskan dalam kondisi apapun. Seorang perokok berat akan memilih merokok daripada makan jika uang yang dimilikinya terbatas.
4. Harga rokok yang mahal akan sangat memberatkan orang yang tergolong miskin, sehingga dana kesejahteraan dan kesehatan keluarganya sering dialihkan untuk membeli rokok. Rokok dengan merk terkenal biasanya dimiliki oleh perusahaan rokok asing yang berasal dari luar negeri, sehingga uang yang dibelanjakan perokok sebagaian akan lari ke luar negeri yang mengurangi devisa negara. Pabrik rokok yang mempekerjakan banyak buruh tidak akan mampu meningkatkan taraf hidup pegawainya, sehingga apabila pabrik rokok ditutup para buruh dapat dipekerjakan di tempat usaha lain yang lebih kreatif dan mendatangkan devisa.
5. Sebagian perokok biasanya akan mengajak orang lain yang belum merokok untuk merokok agar merasakan penderitaan yang sama dengannya, yaitu terjebak dalam ketagihan asap rokok yang jahat. Sebagian perokok juga ada yang secara sengaja merokok di tempat umum agar asap rokok yang dihembuskan dapat terhirup orang lain, sehingga orang lain akan terkena penyakit kanker.
6. Kegiatan yang merusak tubuh adalah perbuatan dosa, sehingga rokok dapat dikategorikan sebagai benda atau barang haram yang harus dihindari dan dijauhi sejauh mungkin. Ulama atau ahli agama yang merokok mungkin akan memiliki persepsi yang berbeda dalam hal ini.
So it can be concluded that smoking is a stupid human activities that are done at the expense of money, health, social life, reward, positive perception, and so on. Then be grateful you if not smoking, because you are smart/clever.
When someone offers smoking rooms well decline then. Feel kasihanlah on their smoking. Don't listen to those who think you are lower than they are if not follow-up ngerokok. because in the hearts and minds of those who in their right mind want to quit smoking.

The point of the body's health secret

Since thousands of years ago, almost the entire history of culture and history of traditional medicine in the world has noted, that the existence of the society will be the existence of secret health points on the human body.
Beginning of beliefs and practices continuously, traditional medicine techniques berkembanglah even until today still used. Acupuncture, one of the traditional treatment techniques that have recognized benefits up to the moment, is a traditional treatment technique that also utilize patterns point health secrets on the human body.
Below there are 3 file photo shows some point health secrets of the human body that held the traditional medicine community lover in several places in the world.

Factor 2, which affect human health

Mentally healthy people affected by internal and external factors. Both the mutual influence and can cause mental illness that can lead to disorders of the soul and soul.

A. the internal factors

Internal Factor is the factor that comes from within one's self as the nature, the talent, the offspring and so on. An example of such a nature that is the nature of evil, good, Crabby, malice, envy, shy, brave, and so on. Example talent i.e. for example talent paint, play music, song, acting, and others. While aspects of the descendants of such derivative emotions, her intellect, potential, and so on.

B. external factors

External factors are the factors that are outside of a person who can affect a person's mental. External Environment that is closest to a human being is the family such as the elderly, children, wife, brother, sister, grandparent, and much more.

Other influential Factors beyond that such as legal, political, social culture, religion, Government, education, work, society, and so on. External factors that can keep a person's mental, but external factors that bad/no good can potentially cause mentally unhealthy.